Maximize software revenue from your existing customers

Identify accounts ripe for upsell and cross-sell. Lock in renewals. Stop churn.

#1 Platform -

Enterprise-Class Software Licensing

maximise revenues from existing software customers

Working hand-in-hand with the fastest growing software companies and $1Bn tech giants

"I have used Zentitle for about 10 years and it is definitely the best licensing I have worked with in my support career.

I have worked with around 10 different licensing platforms and used many others with the products I purchased.

None have been as reliable, easy to use and implement for support and customers alike."

Kelly Bishop

Technical Support

"Fantastic flexibility is key in how we license our software and features in order to provide a smooth experience for our end users.

Zentitle delivered on this and more. Enough tools to provide us with what we need to integrate with our existing business systems.

EUP is easy to set up giving our users more control over managing and distributing our licenses."

Mark Senior

Sales Director

"Zentitle overall does a great job in getting a license solution to customers. The tool has plenty of features to match business requirements.

Maintaining an in-house solution would be expensive and time consuming.

Zentitle provides a service where you do not need to worry about this and focus on your business."

Chris Ang


Expand existing customer accounts much more easily

See and use customer license usage to identify easy sales and account expansion

The customer usage data you need to drive sales

Account Expansion

Zentitle comes with a robust overdraft license feature that lets you set flexible limits for software usage.

You can establish hard limits that are strictly enforced and also soft limits that trigger warnings when exceeded. By using both types of limits, you can help your customers expand their software usage.

Additionally, you can provide them with usage graphs to visualize their actual usage. You can choose to bill them for excess usage or use this information to offer higher-capacity licenses when they renew.

usage data

Usage Data

ISVs can leverage Zentitle to easily implement usage-based business models, expanding their revenue opportunity. With its versatile features, Zentitle allows businesses to monitor and charge customers based on their actual software usage.

This enables a more flexible and fair pricing structure, where customers pay according to their needs, promoting cost-efficiency. Additionally, Zentitle provides detailed usage analytics, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and tailor their offerings to better meet customer demands. Whether it's tracking the number of logins, feature utilization, or data consumption, Zentitle enables businesses to create customized, usage-based pricing plans that enhance customer satisfaction while optimizing revenue streams.

renewal management

Renewal Management

Zentitle proves invaluable in simplifying the management of software license renewals. Its robust features include a 'grace period' option that can be effectively leveraged to streamline this process. With the grace period feature, businesses can offer customers a bit of extra time beyond the license expiration date to renew without disruption to their software access. This customer-friendly approach minimizes any potential service interruptions and fosters customer satisfaction.

Zentitle's automated renewal reminders and notifications ensure that both businesses and customers are well-informed and prepared for the renewal process. This proactive management not only reduces administrative burdens but also strengthens customer relationships by providing a smooth and hassle-free license renewal experience.

create, 'good, better, best' offerings easily

Tiered Pricing and Upselling

Zentitle empowers businesses by enabling tiered pricing and upselling strategies. With its user-friendly interface, companies can easily create and offer multiple pricing tiers, each with its own set of features and benefits. This approach allows businesses to cater to a broader range of customer needs and budgets.

Moreover, Zentitle makes it straightforward to upsell customers, encouraging them to move to higher-tier plans as their requirements evolve. By providing these options, Zentitle not only maximizes revenue by offering more value but also enhances customer satisfaction through customizable solutions that align with their specific needs.

We're Your Partner for Software Business Growth

  • Grow and scale rapidly, we deliver software licensing solutions that empower businesses to monetize efficiently.
  • You focus on product innovation while we handle the licensing intricacies.
  • Unlike our competitors, software licensing and entitlement management is 100% of our focus.
  • We’re your knowledgeable guide for licensing and monetization strategy. Deep expertise with a proven track-record.
  • Draw on our 18+ years of monetization and software licensing expertise, and cutting-edge technology.
  • World-Class Support that's fully responsive.

Being a partner is not the same as being a supplier. Many of our clients have leaned on us to offer best practices, consult on their strategy as subject matter experts, to work with them on implementation, planning, and rollout.

We provide training, helping development teams craft successful products, enabling product teams to price and package these products to win.

Our competition are either too big to care and provide you with the attention you need and expect, or too small to be worth risking your production environments and business growth on.

We are easy to get hold of, fully responsive, proven, reliable and there for you.

Nalpeiron came first. We pioneered cloud-based software licensing in 2005, and for all that time, we have delivered Software licensing and entitlement management, pricing, and monetization tools and services.

We constantly improve and build on our platform to offer customers the latest tools to help monetize their SaaS, IoT, and Enterprise Software products.

Unlike our competitors, we have two issued US patents on our technology.

1000s of customers have trusted us since 2005 to help them monetize $100,000,000s. They didn’t pick just anyone to trust with that task. They picked a player with a track record of proven technology and quality of service.

For 18+ years, Nalpeiron has maintained an SLA of over 99.9% - a proven track record of reliability.

Zentitle professional services from Nalpeiron

Professional Services

From licensing strategy to implementation, integration with the rest of your back-office and training. We deliver fast ROI and revenue gains.

Need to increase revenues? Want licensing that works with your systems?

Let's talk..
Choose a 20-minute calendar slot or ask us a question now.

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zentitle advantage

Drive Growth

Software monetization of your whole product portfolio for both B2B and B2C sales. Gain more customers, increase revenue, free up engineering.

zentitle advantage

Operations & Workflows

Software license delivery in harmony with your CRM, ERP and Ecommerce. Powerful license management. Efficient operations and automated processes.

zentitle advantage

Business Agility

Bring back the agility to quickly deliver on business decisions and strategy. Ensure you stay ahead of your competition and gain market share.

Zentitle UI


Zentitle Tour

The all-new Zentitle2 is the leading Enterprise-Class Monetization Platform for Software, SaaS and IoT

Platform Overview →

Zentitle - the Enterprise-Class Software Monetization Platform

18 Years+

Track Record


Revenues Protected


Transactions / Month


Uptime SLA for 10 Years+

Zentitle supports 100M's users 24x7x365 for the world's leading SaaS, Software and IoT companies

Security of software licensing, we combine best practices to keep your software safe.

More reasons to choose Zentitle

Zentitle is the leading Software Licensing, Entitlements Management and Monetization Platform

24/7 Monitoring plus a 99.9%+ SLA
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Our dedicated team works around the clock to ensure a highly scalable and reliable platform for you and your customers, providing world-class support and fast issue resolution. You're never alone in managing your licenses.

Security First
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We prioritize the security of your licensing and customer data. Rest easy knowing that your data is stored and managed with industry-leading security protocols, safeguarding your intellectual property, including full GDPR compliance.

Seamless Integration
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Integrating Zentitle into your existing systems is a breeze. Our Open API-based REST web services make integrating with the rest of your back-office a breeze. Our professional services group is there to provide as much or as little assistance as you need, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing disruptions to your workflow.

License Usage Analytics
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Gain insights into your licensing operations with our advanced analytics tools. Make informed decisions, identify trends, and optimize your strategies for even greater success.

Learn more about Us →

Your long-term partner for software business growth

Zentitle meets the standards for scale, security and operational excellence demanded by enterprise-class software companies

From startup to $1Bn in ARR partnering with Nalpeiron

Partner for 8 years

From startup to VC funding to IPO for millions of users, all on Zentitle

Partner for 14 years

zentitle customer logoszentitle customer logos

What is Zentitle

What is Zentitle, who is it for, what can it do for you?

Zentitle Quick Overview

A quick look at the whole of the Zentitle platform.

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Why Choose Us?

Reliable. Dependable. Contactable.

1000’s software companies have used Zentitle to monetize their software products much faster,
many going from startup to IPO on our platform.

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Customer logosCustomer logos

Robust Licensing

Supports 100M's users 24x7x365 for the world's leading software companies

The Pioneer

The pioneer in Cloud-Based Software Licensing Since 2005

World-Class Support

The best support in the industry. Fast, expert response you can depend on.

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