Zentitle Success Stories

Read about the growth, control and operational zen
that customers have achieved with Zentitle

Zentitle -

#1 Platform for Cloud Software Licensing

The platform is very good, and we've been impressed with the level of service that we've received


Sam Chandler, CEO, Nitro

Nalpeiron’s support really stands out. They have always been able to answer our questions and are really responsive - that’s one of the things about Nalpeiron we really value.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

We found the flexibility and support that we needed to grow the business.


Mark Senior, Pointfuse

Scroll down for more testimonials or pick a case study to read...

How Zentitle V10 Streamlined Licensing for Advanced Robotics Software

By implementing Nalpeiron’s Zentitle V10 platform, OCTOPUZ transformed its licensing operations, enhancing flexibility, optimizing resources, and improving customer satisfaction. This strategic move positioned OCTOPUZ for continued growth in the industrial automation market.

→ Read the Case Study

Drive Revenues and Cut Down on Piracy

More flexibility from licensing management, preventing unauthorized use while having a better connection and relationship with end-users.

→ Read the Case Study

Once You Go Cloud - You Never Go Back!

Modern licensing, moving away from dongles, making for easier compliance and smoother customer relationships, integrated with our customers systems.

→ Read the Case Study

Pointfuse Gains Enormous Flexibility with Zentitle

New licensing models. Dramatic improvements in support for customers and trial users, while aligning the licensing models with the needs of the customer base.

→ Read the Case Study

Efficient Monetization and Smooth Entitlement Control

The ability to flex for the customer, based on demands. Simpler experiences from Purchase to Delivery for hardware, in this case within hospitals.

→ Read the Case Study

Licensing Flexibility

Visibility within Salesforce is paramount for this customer. A modern approach where licensing can be driven from the CRM, all with modern licensing, floating, networks, offline and online.

→ Read the Case Study

Switching to Truly Modern Licensing Technology

Moving away from proprietary licensing to a cloud-first vision of managing customer entitlements, by a partnership with the people at Zentitle.

→ Read the Case Study

The way we have integrated with Zentitle makes our licensing work much smoother than how it did with our previous vendor. Everything is integrated with Salesforce, initiated by our sales reps and ecommerce, automatically dealing with issuing of license codes and the specific entitlements required, creation of Salesforce assets, and sending out everything that’s needed to our customers.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

We like the simple, easy to use, easy to deploy licensing schemas that Nalpeiron offers.If you look at other licensing schemas out there it can be ridiculously expensive whereas Zentitle is affordable. It works really well for our customers.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Zentitle is very friendly and easy for us to use


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

After using home grown licensing and then Flexera, we searched for a new licensing system and after talking with several possible vendors we decided we liked what we saw from Nalpeiron.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

The well-documented stack provided by Zentitle covered all our licensing needs and allowed us to embed information seamlessly.


James Schnarr, Product Lead, Octopuz

It’s definitely been great moving to Nalpeiron, it works really well and we’ve been really happy. Our support burden due to licensing has dropped away and things work smoothly


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

Our engineers were amazed at how easy it was to implement and we had something up and running in a day. We were impressed.


David O’Neal, Product Line Director at New River Kinematics

Nalpeiron were very responsive when we initially engaged with them and have continued to be, it’s a really good partnership.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

When field engineers are on-site doing any upgrades and changes, the licensing is not affected. We used to have to reapply patches for the licensing to work again, not any longer, Zentitle takes all that away


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Making it easy for customers to manage their own licensing is a key benefit of choosing Nalpeiron. Using our license utility page, we’ve integrated so that customers can view what they own and perform license related tasks.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

We looked at the underlying technology, the backend, how Zentitle all tied together and we had a better feeling about Nalpeiron than its competition. The team was another factor, the migration across to Zentitle was easier with Nalpeiron, who helped us get this done.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

Being able to modify a license remotely, without having to physically visit the location with all of the COVID-19 related restrictions makes things so much easier.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

We wanted a system where we could use a variety of licensing options, something that supported floating licenses, networks, and offline scenarios too. Zentitle gives us all that and more, in ways that make sense to us as a business.


Jonathan Pace, COO, Alibre

As Zentitle rolls out further new capabilities, we will be looking to fully take advantage.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

In manufacturing, it is very impressive, we have a perfectly tuned mechanism which monitors and puts in place Zentitle licensing. Zentitle license provisioning is logical and neatly sits as part of our manufacturing process - we have this down to a fine art.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

The flexibility of creating and easily deploying new software licensing models is a huge benefit.


Mark Senior, Pointfuse

COVID-19 has required hospitals to dramatically expand and create brand new units. We’ve been able to meet these expanding needs electronically. We can make these sweeping changes. Incredibly flexible.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

One of our major concerns was reducing piracy, and Nalpeiron has basically enabled us to significantly improve our security in that regard. We are also pleased with Nalpeiron's flexibility, technical support, and willingness to accommodate.


Steve Cooper, Director of Product Management, Smith Micro

The Zentitle licensing approach is the way of the future - all medical applications will go this way.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Our customers tell us they appreciate how our licensing options are much more flexible.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

For any large software company that prizes the value of what they are making, Nalpeiron is the best way of ensuring the security of their software – and for a large company, that’s really important. We’ve come a long way from our dongle days. With Nalpeiron, we can finally stop stressing over licensing issues and focus on what we do best: building great software.


David O’Neal, Product Line Director at New River Kinematics

The Zentitle licensing approach is the way of the future - all medical applications will go this way.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Zentitle’s feature set was eye opening and in making the move it was clear that we should have done it years ago.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Zentitle allows us to meet customer needs in a flexible and reactive manner, selling them what they need. Zentitle is a money maker.


Gerald Chrisinger, Manager, Global Product Support at Spacelabs Healthcare

Take a closer look


The all-new Zentitle2 is the leading Enterprise-Class Monetization Platform for Software, SaaS and IoT

License & Monetize →

Your long-term partner for software business growth

Zentitle meets the standards for scale, security and operational excellence demanded by enterprise-class software companies

From startup to $1Bn in ARR partnering with Nalpeiron

Partner for 8 years

From startup to VC funding to IPO for millions of users, all on Zentitle

Partner for 14 years

Why Choose Us →

Zentitle - the Enterprise-Class Software Monetization Platform

18 Years+

Track Record


Revenues Protected


Transactions / Month


Uptime SLA for 10 Years+

Zentitle supports 100M's users 24x7x365 for the world's leading SaaS, Software and IoT companies

Security of software licensing, we combine best practices to keep your software safe.

What is Zentitle

What is Zentitle, who is it for, what can it do for you?

Zentitle Quick Overview

A quick look at the whole of the Zentitle platform.

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