Pointfuse Gains Enormous Flexibility with Zentitle

Zentitle -

#1 Platform for Cloud Software Licensing

We found the flexibility and support that we needed to grow the business.

- Mark Senior, Pointfuse


  • Limited ability to support new value-based licensing models
  • Significant licensing-related support issues
  • Poor visibility into client usage
  • Strained relationship with previous vendor


  • Flexibility to offer a wide variety of new licensing models
  • Much better support for a mobile workforce
  • Far better visibility into user engagement and location
  • A strong, mutually productive working relationship with Nalpeiron

The Challenge - Limited Flexibility

Pointfuse, a leader in converting the millions of individual measurements captured by laser scanning hardware into usable 3D models, needed to adapt its licensing to align with growing trends in the customer base – remote workers, peaks and valleys of demand and the push towards value-based licensing models.  It became clear that its current licensing platform and vendor did not provide them the needed flexibility to adapt.  After much research and analysis, the company selected Nalpeiron’s Zentitle Licensing and Entitlement Management Platform to provide its customers with a modern, streamlined experience and allow Pointfuse to significantly automate time-consuming processes and deploy business models for a competitive advantage.

The Big Win – Enormous Flexibility and Detailed Insights into Usage

Pointfuse provides highly sophisticated modeling services for digital construction, space management and other industries who have complex workforces that use multiple workstations, laptops, tablets and diverse office workspace.  With Zentitle, the company discovered a licensing solution to meet these modern needs.  “We found the flexibility that we needed to grow the business,” said Mark Senior, Regional Sales Director, Pointfuse Ltd.  “We expanded from our traditional node lock licensing to now offering our customers a far more convenient account-based licensing model.  We can even license our software on a square footage basis, which works perfectly for our clients since our solutions are all centered around working with physical layouts.”

The ability to easily create and deploy a variety of value-based pricing models also helped the company strengthen its relationship with resellers.  In the near future, Pointfuse plans to add additional licensing and pricing models based on ongoing customer feedback.  “Zentitle gives us the flexibility we were looking for to easily create, test and deploy brand new licensing models that align the value delivered to our customers with our pricing.  It makes us a much more agile organization,” said Senior.

“On the analytics side, we needed to understand much more about how users engage with our software – both purchased products as well as our trial editions.   We wanted to better understand usage patterns, what customers found difficult and what led to customers to buying or not buying the software,” said Senior.  “It’s a great added benefit that allows us to create a data-driven product roadmap that best serves the interests of our customers.”

Faster Support – Reduced from 24-Hours to Minutes

Support processes also experienced dramatic improvements.  With Pointfuse’s prior licensing solution, it was very challenging to deliver quality support for end users and trial users.  “We now have little to no issues.  The customer’s first impression is now clean, smooth and easy.  Questions can be solved in a quick call and our response time has gone from 24-hours down to minutes.  When a customer wants to purchase additional features, they simply make the request and we can add them to their existing license instantly,” explains Senior.

Smooth Implementation

Implementation of Zentitle was also straightforward, clean and easy.  Pointfuse ran their previous system alongside Zentitle for a couple of months and experienced no issues whatsoever – finding Nalpeiron’s support team to be exceptionally responsive.  “The Nalpeiron team thought of things we hadn’t considered, which helped us prepare and simplify processes,” said Senior.  “Plus, we have a relationship with Nalpeiron which we didn’t have with our previous vendor.  Conversations continue about how we can continue to leverage all the capabilities of the platform and grow.  It’s been a great partnership.”

As Pointfuse continues to experience the advantages of Zentitle, one benefit really remains front and center.  “The flexibility of creating and easily deploying new software licensing models is a huge benefit,” stressed Senior.  “When a new need arose, we found that we could easily implement it in an efficient and straightforward manner.”

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The all-new Zentitle2 is the leading Enterprise-Class Monetization Platform for Software, SaaS and IoT

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"I have used Zentitle for about 10 years and it is definitely the best licensing I have worked with in my support career.

I have worked with around 10 different licensing platforms and used many others with the products I purchased.

None have been as reliable, easy to use and implement for support and customers alike."

Kelly Bishop

Technical Support

"Fantastic flexibility is key in how we license our software and features in order to provide a smooth experience for our end users.

Zentitle delivered on this and more. Enough tools to provide us with what we need to integrate with our existing business systems.

EUP is easy to set up giving our users more control over managing and distributing our licenses."

Mark Senior

Sales Director

"Zentitle overall does a great job in getting a license solution to customers. The tool has plenty of features to match business requirements.

Maintaining an in-house solution would be expensive and time consuming.

Zentitle provides a service where you do not need to worry about this and focus on your business."

Chris Ang


1000s of software companies have used Zentitle to launch new software products faster and control their entitlements easily, many going from startup to IPO on our cloud software license management solutions

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