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Working hand-in-hand with the fastest growing software companies and $1Bn tech giants
"I have used Zentitle for about 10 years and it is definitely the best licensing I have worked with in my support career.
I have worked with around 10 different licensing platforms and used many others with the products I purchased.
None have been as reliable, easy to use and implement for support and customers alike."
Kelly Bishop
Technical Support
"Fantastic flexibility is key in how we license our software and features in order to provide a smooth experience for our end users.
Zentitle delivered on this and more. Enough tools to provide us with what we need to integrate with our existing business systems.
EUP is easy to set up giving our users more control over managing and distributing our licenses."
Mark Senior
Sales Director
"Zentitle overall does a great job in getting a license solution to customers. The tool has plenty of features to match business requirements.
Maintaining an in-house solution would be expensive and time consuming.
Zentitle provides a service where you do not need to worry about this and focus on your business."
Chris Ang
1000s of software companies have used Zentitle to launch new software products faster and control their entitlements easily, many going from startup to IPO on our cloud software license management solutions
Your long-term partner for software business growth
Zentitle meets the standards for scale, security and operational excellence demanded by enterprise-class software companies
From startup to $1Bn in ARR partnering with Nalpeiron
Partner for 8 years
From startup to VC funding to IPO for millions of users, all on Zentitle
Partner for 14 years
As we start working with companies on their entitlement management needs, we'll often have very detailed conversations with either their CTO They are VP of engineering, senior architects, and a lot of very technical roles within the organization.
And they'll often ask us well, why should we buy this from a third party like Nalpeiron versus just building this kind of functionality in house?
And often these topics come up as part of those conversations.
One of the key ones is focus.
And these days, it's really hard to hire great engineering talent. And so you really want to put a premium on that talent to focus on those areas that are really your core competency.
Now for Nalpeiron, our core competency is about monetization, licensing, entitlement management. So our engineers are really leveraged because the platform that they build can be leveraged by hundreds and hundreds of different software vendors. Whereas for a company looking to adopt Nalpeiron, their core competency typically is within whatever domain.
They focus on engineering, scientific computing, virtualization, VR, what have you. And so they really wanna get the best bang for the buck out of that engineering talent against that core competency, which is where they primarily deliver value. To their customers. So by that separation of responsibility, engineering within the company, the customer of ours really focused on their core competency, us focused on our core competency, which is entitlement management. It really gives you the best of both worlds.
Another aspect of course is time to market. It's very expensive. I mean, we spent millions and millions of dollars building out the Zentitle platform. And for a company to build that out from scratch as part of an ongoing application development effort is a huge additional and unnecessary expense.
That really slows the overall time to market because not only is there the expense of building it, but there's also the amount of time that it takes away from working on core features. They really do provide value to your customer. So time to market is a key factor as well.
And of course, one of the things about this end title platform is it's proven to have a lower operational cost. We've built the platform to be as manageable as monitorable, as scalable, as easy to maintain as possible.
And the fact that we maintain that, you know, with a fully managed service gives you the confidence that the platform's gonna be there with the availability that you need without having to dictate your own IT or operation staff or DevOps people and so forth to keep that running. So that gives you much lower ongoing operational costs.
The other aspect of the Zentitle platform is that we're constantly adding capabilities and improving and making investments back into that platform far in excess of what an individual small in house team would be able to do. So we're taking the value of all of our customers and their collective aggregate investment in the platform using that to hire more engineers, to add more features, more capabilities, and really gives you that future proof confidence. So for example, if there are some additional business models that become popular in the industry, you can count on Nalpeiron for laying the foundation for that. So you can take your existing implementation against Zentitle and very easily adopt these new capabilities, these new models, and so forth. Without any kind of heavy engineering.
And from a technical standpoint, one of the things that people are always concerned about is how scalable is this? Right? So it might work well in an initial proof of concept or in a low volume initial product launch, but is it going to scale when we have hundreds thousands tens of millions, hundreds of millions of end customers. Well, that's again where our track record and the fact that we've been in business since two thousand and five really comes into play. We have proven reliability.
So we have a ninety nine point nine percent SLA, but we've been able to demonstrate that we have been able to see that over the last ten plus years. And so that should give you confidence that as part of adoptings and title, That scalability will be there so that as you grow, you have confidence that we'll be able to fully meet the needs of you and your end customers.
So those are many of the reasons that, technical people, CTOs, BPs, of engineering, senior architects, and such. Realized that, hey, you know, we could do it ourselves, but wow, it's so much better to work with a really experienced committed partner, like Nal Purin, to focus on these sets of issues for us and our customers.