Competitors Winning with Better Licensing Models? Catch Up Today

Competitors Winning with Better Licensing Models? Catch Up Today

Customers today realize they have choices, and they simply want to buy in a way that works for them. Modern software licensing technology supports those choices, freeing them of old-style licensing constraints, with multiple licensing models from Subscription to Usage-based, to SaaS and more. If your competitors can offer these and you’re behind as you can’t, then your existing customers are at risk and you’re severely limiting your opportunities to gain happy new paying customers too. It’s time to take control of your future.

What You’re Missing — New Models, New Revenue

With business and technology moving at the speed of light, “agile” and “flexible” have become huge influencers in how companies buy. That means flexible licensing models are no longer a “nice to have” — they are essential to attract and retain customers. It also opens a whole new world of revenue for your company if you seize the opportunity. You can attract new customers with a simple SaaS ‘login and use’ type experience like Microsoft and Adobe have done, you can do this for your legacy desktop and server products, for SaaS, or for a blend of both like Microsoft and Adobe have. Nalpeiron’s Zentitle supports over a dozen different licensing models, including perpetual, subscription-based, concurrent, floating feature, hardware, multi-platform and more.

It’s Easier Than You Think

While the thought of replacing a licensing solution can cause a big “gulp,” it’s actually simpler than you may imagine. Here’s why:

  • Bulk licensing data imports: Simply do a data export of your existing entitlement data (into a .CSV, etc.), then define the new entitlement structure within Zentitle and let us know the structure of the legacy licensing data. We’ll work with you to map a single bulk import and verify mapping accuracy. Got a lot more data than that? Not a problem, we migrate enterprise scale ISVs all the time to Zentitle.

  • Simple Rewrite of Abstraction Layers: Most companies manage licenses with a higher-level abstraction layer across products. We work with you to rewrite that abstraction layer with the Zentitle licensing calls. If you don’t use an abstraction layer, then you’ve likely already identified all the key areas where Zentitle licensing calls will be needed — you can do a more or less 1:1 replacement of the old calls with new.

  • Silent Activation — Invisible to Clients: When you roll out the first version of your application based on Zentitle, you can set it up to look for a prior license code or other identifier for mapping to the new Zentitle-based entitlement for seamless activation. It’s called Silent Activation and the user receives the same set of rights as under the old system.

Nalpeiron has guided hundreds of software and hardware providers through a successful licensing solution migration. In just a few weeks, you can open up a new world of revenue. Ready to leave your competitors in the dust?

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