Using Sunburst Visualization Charts for Product Roadmaps

Using Sunburst Visualization Charts for Product Roadmaps

If you’re going on a journey, you need to know where you’re going. For the product development journey, it is absolutely essential.

Just as a street atlas roadmap tells a driver which immediate turns to make to arrive at their desired destination, a product roadmap communicates what short-term efforts need to be made to achieve long-term business goals. It keeps everyone on your team headed in the same direction.

A classic product roadmap is a plan of action for how a product or solution will evolve over time. It outlines product functionality, and proposed additions, and provides a timeline for new features to be released. 

While traditional product roadmaps have been a staple in product management for years, they come with significant drawbacks:

  • Rigidity: Timeline-based roadmaps often lack flexibility, complicating adaptation to changing market conditions or shifting priorities.

  • Undue Pressure: Specific dates can create unnecessary stress and unrealistic expectations.

  • Misrepresentation of Strategy: They often fail to capture the true strategic importance of initiatives.

  • A Linear Structure: Traditional product roadmaps fail to adequately communicate hierarchy of initiatives, proportion of priorities, and other more complex interrelations.

Dennis Chow, founder of LodeStone and experienced product management professional, emphasizes this: “The thing I don’t like to do is commit timelines to our initiatives. And I will push back furiously on stakeholders who ask for roadmaps with timelines.”

Here Comes the Sun

Thankfully, there is an alternative. Sunburst visualization is a revolutionary technique that simplifies complex data and enhances strategic planning. Sunburst charts are particularly effective in representing hierarchical data, illustrating proportions, relationships, attributes, and structures within organizations, file systems, and other categorical data.

A properly built sunburst diagram or chart will streamline your product management processes and boost your ability to communicate intricate plans with clarity and precision. Let’s delve into how sunburst visualization can transform your approach to product planning and elevate your management skills to the next level.

Sunburst Chart Visualizations for Product Roadmaps

Sunburst visualization offers a fresh, intuitive way to represent your product strategy. Using the Plotly package (an open-source graphing library) in R (a programming language), you can create interactive sunburst chart visualizations to display and enhance user engagement.

But what exactly is a sunburst chart?

The Anatomy of a Sunburst Roadmap with Hierarchical Data Structures

A sunburst roadmap consists of three main components:

  1. Inner Circle: Represents your core product or overarching goal

  2. Rings: Working outward from the inner circle, each expanding ring shows more detailed initiatives, forming a circle surrounded by deeper hierarchy levels

  3. Segments: Individual sections within each ring represent specific features or projects

The beauty of this structure lies in its ability to clearly show relationships and priorities. As opposed to the bidirectional layout of traditional roadmap charts, a sunburst chart communicates interrelationships intuitively at a glance.

Chow describes this inter-relational flow: “These are the features that we’re working on. These are some of the themes that those features are connected to, which then in turn roll up to, hey, these are the organizational goals that we have.”

Each segment within a ring is divided under its parent node, making it easy to visualize the hierarchy and connections between different levels and categories of data.

Key Advantages of Sunburst Roadmaps

Sunburst map visualization offers several benefits over traditional roadmaps:

  • Flexibility: Easily adapt to changing priorities without the constraints of timelines
  • Strategic Focus: Emphasize the importance of initiatives rather than their deadlines, and represent multiple levels of data for a clearer strategic focus
  • Clear Relationships: Visually represent how different projects and features relate to each other and to overall goals
  • Improved Communication: Facilitate better discussions about priorities and trade-offs

Chow highlights this advantage: “If you want to know where we’re going, what we’re doing, then you’re asking for a roadmap. Don’t ask me to blend the two concepts of roadmaps and timelines.”

Create Your Own Sunburst Product Roadmap

Now that you understand the benefits let’s explore how you can create your own Sunburst roadmap. The first step is organizing your product information into hierarchical data structures.

Step 1: Organize Your Product Information

Before you start visualizing, you need to structure your product information as hierarchical data:

  1. Identify key product areas and initiatives
  2. Determine appropriate levels of detail
  3. Prioritize features and projects

Remember, the goal is to create a clear hierarchy chart that reflects your product strategy.

Step 2: Design Your Interactive Visualizations

With your information organized, it’s time to bring your roadmap to life:

  1. Choose the Right Tools: Select software for sunburst visualization and interactive charts. Options include specialized product management tools or data visualization software programs that can create interactive sunburst charts for hierarchical data.

  2. Select an Effective Color Scheme: Use colors to differentiate between different types of initiatives or to indicate priority levels.

  3. Balance Segment Sizes: Adjust the size of segments to reflect the relative importance or scope of each initiative.

Chow emphasizes the importance of this step: “It’s that storytelling aspect. And this is where Lodestone [a productivity suite for project managers] sort of takes it beyond just the production of a sunburst pie chart for its users.”

As Lodestone’s website says, “Lodestone’s Roadmap Storyteller is the only roadmap visualization tool that effortlessly enables product managers to tell great stories with their roadmap presentations.”

Step 3: Implement Best Practices for Clarity and Impact

To ensure your sunburst roadmap is easily understood:

  • Use consistent naming conventions
  • Favor plain language over industry jargon to ensure it is broadly understandable
  • Incorporate icons or symbols for quick understanding
  • Provide a legend or key for easy interpretation
  • Ensure segment sizes are divided intentionally to reflect the relative importance of each initiative

As Chow explains, “You’ve automatically got a collection of slides that allow you the presenter to progressively go through to say, ‘Hey, listen, for Q4 we’re about these three goals. Let me talk to you about goal one.’”

Implementing Sunburst Roadmaps in Your Organization

Creating the sunburst roadmap visualization is just the first step. The next crucial phase is ensuring its implementation within your organization for maximum effectiveness.

Integrating sunburst or multi-level pie charts into your existing product management processes can dramatically enhance strategic alignment and communication. But to ensure effective implementation, you should take the time to explain them on roll-out – do not assume they will be equally intuitive to all users.

Presenting to Different Stakeholders

Different stakeholders within your organization will have varying needs, priorities, and interests. It's vital to tailor your presentations accordingly to ensure each group derives the maximum benefit from your sunburst roadmap:

  • Executives: For this audience, emphasize the high-level strategy and long-term business impacts. Highlight how the roadmap aligns with organizational goals and facilitates informed decision-making. Don’t get bogged down in the weeds of technical details.

  • Development Teams are where you can discuss technical details, dependencies, and project timelines. Use the roadmap to clarify priorities and foster alignment on development processes and deadlines.

  • Marketing and Sales: Tailor the roadmap to showcase features and, more importantly benefits of the features that will resonate with customers. Discuss how the upcoming initiatives will meet market demands and drive customer engagement.

Integrating with Existing Product Management Processes

To fully leverage the benefits of sunburst roadmaps, it's essential to integrate them into your current product management processes seamlessly:

  1. Align with Agile Methodologies: Incorporate the sunburst roadmap into your agile sprint planning and retrospective meetings. This ensures that your development efforts remain focused on strategic priorities.

  2. Utilize for Quarterly Planning Sessions: Enhance your quarterly review and planning sessions by using the sunburst visualization to discuss progress, obstacles, and adjustments to priorities.

  3. Regular Updates and Maintenance: Consistently update the roadmap to reflect changes in strategy, market conditions, and project statuses. This keeps your teams aligned and informed.

Chow emphasizes this last point: "It's that bridging document that connects your strategy and analysis to your tactics."

Overcoming Challenges and Limitations in Deeper Hierarchy Levels

As you implement sunburst roadmaps, you might face certain challenges, especially when dealing with deeper hierarchy levels. Here are some strategies to address and overcome these obstacles:

  1. Address Resistance to Change: Change can be intimidating. Educate your team on the advantages of sunburst visualization and how it can enhance clarity and strategic focus. Provide training sessions and resources to ease the transition.

  2. Manage Expectations Around Timelines: Clarify that, while sunburst roadmaps focus on strategic value and priorities, they don’t substitute for detailed timeline-based planning. Encourage continued use of timeline-based plans for specific projects.

  3. Complement with Other Tools When Necessary: Recognize that sunburst roadmaps are just one piece of the puzzle. Complement them with other tools like Gantt charts or Kanban boards where appropriate for comprehensive project management.

"I'm not shy of timelines”, says Chow. “I believe there's a distinction here that needs to be made. There is a document that your product team needs to produce called a roadmap... There is a corresponding document called the release plan that sets a schedule to all of those initiatives."

Implementing sunburst roadmaps effectively requires clear communication, strategic alignment, and ongoing adjustments. By tailoring presentations to different stakeholders, integrating the roadmaps into agile processes, and addressing potential challenges head-on, organizations can harness the full potential of this innovative visualization tool to drive success.

Tell a Good Story

One of the most significant advantages of sunburst roadmaps is their ability to tell a compelling story about your product strategy. Traditional roadmaps, often centered around rigid timelines, can fall short of illustrating the broader narrative of how various initiatives connect to a business's overarching goals. In contrast, a sunburst roadmap visually and intuitively showcases the hierarchy and interrelationships within your product plan.

By leveraging this visual format, product managers can effectively communicate the context behind prioritization decisions and the progression of strategic initiatives. It allows stakeholders to better understand what is being developed and why certain features are prioritized. This transparent ‘story’ fosters greater alignment across different departments – everyone can see where their efforts fit into the larger picture.

Moreover, storytelling through sunburst roadmaps helps to engage and inspire teams. It transforms dry, technical data into a visually compelling narrative highlighting the company's vision and the path to achieving it.

Crafting Your Product Narrative

Your sunburst roadmap should:

  • Communicate a clear strategic vision: Outline your product's long-term goals and articulate how the current and upcoming initiatives align with these objectives. Your audience should be able to see a well-defined path from the present state to the desired future state, helping cement confidence in your strategic direction.

  • Show how individual initiatives contribute to larger goals: Each segment of your sunburst roadmap should demonstrate how smaller projects and features are stepping stones toward achieving bigger milestones. This granularity level helps stakeholders appreciate every initiative's value and helps team members understand their contributions to the cumulative progress toward key business outcomes.

  • Illustrate the relationships between different aspects of your product: Highlight how various components of your product interconnect and support one another. This interconnected view ensures that teams know dependencies and collaboration points, fostering a more integrated approach to product development and reducing the risk of siloed efforts.

As Chow eloquently puts it, "Where others are looking up in the sky, and they're seeing a random smattering of stars, you're the one that needs to really connect them together to say, 'Hey, look, there's a constellation here.'"

Facilitating Strategic Discussions

Use your sunburst roadmap as a tool to:

  1. Foster meaningful discussions about priorities
  2. Align your team with organizational goals
  3. Demonstrate the strategic thinking behind your product decisions

Remember, your roadmap is not just a planning tool - it's a powerful communication device.

Facilitating Strategic Discussions

Use your sunburst roadmap as a tool to facilitate your discussions around product strategy:

  1. Foster meaningful discussions about priorities: Engage stakeholders from various departments in collaborative sessions to identify and debate the most critical priorities. Using the visual structure of the sunburst roadmap, facilitate conversations that bring together diverse perspectives and expertise.

  2. Align your team with organizational goals: Regularly review and update the sunburst roadmap to reflect the current status and future direction of your product initiatives. This keeps the team informed and aligned with the evolving goals of the organization.

  3. Demonstrate the strategic thinking behind your product decisions: Use the sunburst roadmap to outline the rationale for each initiative and how it fits into the broader strategy. Present detailed analyses and data points that support each decision, making your strategic thought process transparent and understandable.

Ultimately, a sunburst roadmap guides your team with clarity and weaves together the strategic narrative of your product's journey. By leveraging this tool, you can ensure that every initiative is aligned with your overarching goals, driving your organization toward its vision with confidence and coherence.

Follow the Sun

Sunburst visualization offers a flexible, clear, and strategic approach to product roadmaps. Implementing this innovative technique will transform product strategy planning and communication.

Don't be afraid to experiment with this approach. As Chow suggests, it might revolutionize your organization's approach to product roadmaps: "If you want to know where we're going, what we're doing, then you're asking for a roadmap. Just don't ask me to blend it with timelines."

It's time to embrace the power of sunburst visualization. Transform your product strategy communication today, and watch as your team becomes more aligned, your stakeholders become more engaged, and your product vision becomes clearer than ever before.

By adopting sunburst visualization for your product roadmaps, you're not just changing a document - you're revolutionizing your approach to product management. To get where you want to go, just follow the sun.

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