Many ISVs invest considerable manual effort in generating and managing licenses but with Zentitle by Nalpeiron, it is instead easy to integrate with your order processing systems to automatically fulfill and manage your licenses
Zentitle has been built to be highly connectable, its APIs make it easy to hook into your backend systems in the way you want it to, as well as having out of the box e-commerce integrations with Fastspring, a Salesforce connector and a wealth of connectivity you can take advantage of through its availability on Zapier.
Fulfilment and management of licensing is made easy by the two punch combination of this high connectability along with Dynamic Entitlements which make entitlement updates happen automatically.
Businesses who have been fulfilling licenses through manual processes can now step away from that overhead, with it automated, hassle free, and less prone to human delays and human error.
This automation continues when the software is in the hands of the customer, because after initial purchase, Zentitle’s Dynamic Entitlements automates the delivery of any license entitlement changes. So, when a customer buys more seats, more product, and up-sells and cross-sells happen, once your backend system knows (CRM, E-commerce), Zentitle knows and new entitlements happen automatically.
The next time your customer next uses their software - bingo their new rights are in place.
Of course, you can also make changes directly within Zentitle’s UI itself, the principles of license entitlement delivery are all there to be taken advantage of, covering so many use cases for software vendors just like you.
Empower your Customer Service team, your Sales team, your Operations team, by giving them Zentitle, then watch as your overheads associated with software licensing drop. At the same time, your customers will be happier than ever before, as your licensing becomes seamless.
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Is Your Licensing System Holding Back Your Growth?
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